February Featured Author

Author Spotlight & GIVEAWAYS by Jennifer Kacey


First let me say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to the lovely bloggess Paris for spotlighting me and letting me be her first!!! I do, oh so, love popping cherries!!!

A little about me….hmm…I live in TX because I love hot sunny beachy weather. I love flip flops and have a moderate addiction to bikinis!! Love drinking hot tea as long as it’s decaf and I write very very dirty books!!

I’m sure you’ll find out quite a bit more info below and I promise to try to keep you entertained!!!!

1) How long have you been writing and why did you start?

Since 2008 I think. Had a set of dreams one after another and was SOOOO into the story. It went on for 3 nights and then on the 4th night? NOTHING. I couldn’t deal with that. I had to know how the story ended. So I wrote down the dreams and then filled in the rest of the book. Three months later I’d written the entire 110,000 word book and my love for writing romance was born!!

2) What other authors work do you love to read? Is there one who is your go to during any downtime?

Downtime? That’s a thing? Really?? I honestly don’t have a lot of downtime. As well as writing I run two manufacturing companies as well as have a twelve year old. On the rare occasions I get to read I’ll dive into Heather Long, Saranna DeWylde, JR Ward, Jaci Burton, Maya banks, Larissa Ione, Lora Leigh, Cassandra Clare, Nora Roberts, and Shannon McKenna just to name a few!!

3) Where do the your ideas come from?

Everywhere. A conversation with a friend. A picture I see on Facebook. An argument I overhear at a restaurant. A scene in a movie or tv show. A taste of something that happens between the sheets. Or more than a taste. I love realism when I write. Especially with how much time we have to spend with our books during edits, I think it’s amazing to go back and remember why I wrote something. That’s a treat and a treasure I will never take for granted.

4) Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

Outline ALL the way!!! The only thing’s I don’t normally outline are my short stories because they’re normally only 1-3 chapters. Outlining make me so happy! I know exactly where I’m going so I can just…write. Currently I’m working on 3 outlines for the next books in 3 different series for Samhain.

5) How do you think you’ve evolved creatively since your first book?

I’m more confident in what I write. I think it’s hard for a lot of people just starting because they don’t know if what they have to say will resonate with anyone else. When you put something out there for the masses to read it’s scary in the beginning. Will people like it? Will people get it? Want to read more? Now, I know that there are SOOO many sick and twisted people out there that get exactly what’s in my head.

And I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for loving it!

6) What is the hardest thing about writing?

Hmm… The hardest thing… Ooo ooo ooo! I have one! Picking exactly what I want to write in a year’s time. I write fast but I have SO many more ideas in my head than I have time to write. There is ALWAYS more where that came from when it comes to romance worlds. *runs to writing schedule* This year, I’ll be writing at least 16 things. Why at least 16? ‘Cause people always convince me there’s something else I need to write! I told myself I wouldn’t do that this year. Yes. I do know I’m lying to myself!! Don’t tell me!

7) What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?

Ok – my latest is – Zeke’s Surprise and THE BOOK THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED! Hardest thing about Zeke’s Surprise is not getting sucked into Aslan and Zeke’s world because I have other things to work on!! And for the OTHER book I won’t be talking about until May, was hands down how far I wanted to push the force that is Amazon on being banned or not!!! It’s so dirty and the title and series title could have been totally over the line. *twirlsmustacheandwringshandswhilelaughingevily* I did end up reigning it in because I want to be able to support everyone’s devices. But let’s just say I’ve decided to delve a bit into consensual non-consent. SQUEE!!!

8) What is the easiest thing about writing?

Loving it. I love writing. Everything about it. The actual words on the page, publication, edits, taglines, blurbs, covers, and…everything. I feel incredibly lucky to be doing what I’m doing and do not take it for granted.

9) How long on average does it take you to write a book?

Totally depends on length. I can normally write one or two 30K novellas in a month. Three if I’m really pushing it! Short stories I can write in a day or a weekend depending on whatever else I have going on. Huge novels (110K+) I normally give myself 3 months to write. Not because it takes me that long for the actual writing but because I have so many other projects that come up. Edits, reveals, releases, blogging. All of that takes time, too! Plus, I actually have a very busy life and I want to take time off to visit my family and TAKE MY BOY TO SCOTLAND!! Yes I am doing that this year!!

10) Do you ever get writer’s block?

Nope. Super simple why, too. Like I’ve mentioned above, I write on different projects at the same time. I have a very full writing and publication schedule so working on more than one thing at the same time gives me something I’m ALWAYS excited to write! Best cure for writer’s block I’ve ever found!

11) Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?

Don’t freak out over it and don’t make yourself feel bad about it. I’ve heard from lots of authors that get it and it always seems to be worse when you beat yourself up over it. Writing is a very creative process (and if it isn’t then you’re doing something wrong!!) so it ebbs and flows just like everything else. Go read a book, ride a bike, shovel some snow, lay on the floor with your *insertyourfavoritepethere* and snuggle, have sex, watch a movie. Emphasis on the sex part!! Get out of your head for a little while and let your muse rest and reseat themselves. Enjoy writing. OMFG. Seriously a good piece of advice for anyone writing. Enjoy it. Every moment of it. You’re giving up time you could be doing a lot of other things so love every minute of it!

12) If this book is part of a series, tell us a little about it?

Yes!!! It’s part of the Black Hills Wolves series published by Decadent Publishing. Mine is #42. This brain child is from Heather Long and Rebecca Royce about a shared wolf shifter world that LOTS of different authors write in. Talk about an amazing idea! Am beyond thrilled to be a part of it and loved writing a wolf shifter.

Super awesome experience!

GIVEAWAY!!!! No I didn’t forget!!

Since I’m celebrating Paris and her awesome new blog I thought I’d give some stuff away!!! Plus, I have three things publishing this month! So how about three giveaways!?!

I have a VERY dirty story in this February’s issue of Penthouse Magazine called Discipline and Desire. It’s an MFF menage and ohh so filthy! I’ll give away a copy of the mag to one lucky poster this month!


Next is Zeke’s Pitstop, which Paris has been amazing to read an ARC of and post her review!! This is the second installment of my Fantasies A-Z Series. A kink exploration between a husband and wife finding who they really are in the process! I’ll give an e-copy of Aslan’s Stranger and Zeke’s Pitstop to a different lucky poster!


Last, but certainly not least, is Broken Silence, my new novella in the Black Hills Wolves series with Decadent Publishing. I wrote about Paul, who was muted by his alpha when he was 12. It was an incredible experience getting to write this story with his language barrier in place. Heart wrenching! I’ll give an e-copy of Paul’s story to another awesome poster.



How do you enter you ask?? Easy!! Just go sign up for my newsletter so you can hear about all of these great stories and many more! I have 15 or 16 more things publishing this year! SO fun!! And comment below and introduce yourself! Love talking to readers!!

Hope you love it all!!! Thanks for reading!!

Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.


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